Facial Radiance Health: The Ultimate Inside on Beauty
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Bestow Beauty Powder and Bestow Beauty Oil the fastest way to a more beautiful skin! 

Our skin is the last to receive nutrients  from our  foods or supplements  and the first to show signs of deterioration.

Now we have two fabulous foods that take nutrients straight to the skin.  Facial Radiance is happy to offer you  Bestow Beauty Powder and Bestow Beauty Oil...

Bestow Beauty Powder contains all of the key vitamins and minerals that support the proper functioning of the skin.  Used regularly in your smoothies, sprinkled lightly on other foods you will soon see a more healthy and Radiant skin.

 In conjunction with Bestow Beauty Powder is Bestow Beauty Oil – Flaxseed and Omega-3 and Omega 6 –gives your skin a rich source of Essential Fatty Acids! Further bringing your inner beauty into Radiance.

If you would like recipe ideas and more information on the these fabulous products go to http://www.bestowbeauty.com/category/bestow-recipes

Facial Radiance is offering a complimentary Beauty Oil  to get you started.

 Book your next Facial Radiance Session by Friday 31 August 2012 and your complimentary 250mil bottle will be waiting for you!

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

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